1. Something well begun is half done. 好的開始是成功的一半。(諺語)
half adv. 一半地
Well begun is half done.
2. be a part of... 是……的一部份
part n. 部份
play an important part in...  在……中扮演重要角色
role n. 角色
例:Traffic jams are a part of city life.
Paul played an important part in our company's success.
3. earn a living (by...) (靠……) 謀生, 為生
= make a living (by...)
earn vt. 賺 (錢)
living n. 生活
例:Chris earns a living by teaching in a kindergarten.
4. progress n. 進步 (常與動詞make並用)
make progress  進步
例:You should be proud. Your son is making good progress in English.
5. hardworking a. 努力工作的
例:The boss gave Fred a raise because he is very hardworking.
6. golden rule 金科玉律
golden a. 寶貴的; 黃金般的
rule n. 規則, 法規
例:Son, the golden rule is that you should listen to your elders.
(兒子, 有一則金科玉律就是要聽從長輩的話。)
That child has beautiful golden hair.

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