1. Time flies. 光陰似箭。(諺語)
2. precious a. 寶貴的, 珍貴的
例:Gold is a precious metal.
3. can afford + to + 原形動詞  負擔得起/力足以……
cannot afford + to + 原形動詞 負擔不起/力不足以……
afford vt. 負擔得起, 力足以
*使用該字時, 須與助動詞can/cannot並用, 其後受詞則可為名詞或不定詞片語。
例:Chris can afford to buy a new car.
Kelly couldn't afford an expensive watch, so she bought a cheap one.
4. waste vt. 浪費
例:If you don't waste paper, you might help to save a tree.
5. once conj. 一旦
6. go by (時間等) 過去 
= pass by
例:When you are bored, time goes by slowly.
7. return vi. 回來, 返回
例:When will Todd return from the supermarket?
8. turn the clock back 將時鐘倒轉, 即指讓時光倒流   
clock n. 時鐘
9. Time passes very quickly. 時間過得很快。
= Time passes by very quickly.
= Time goes by very quickly.
*此處by為副詞, 用來強調動詞passes和goes。
10. fly vi. 飛 (行)
動詞三態: fly、flew、flown。
例:An eagle looks so graceful when it flies through the air.
11. Time and tide wait for no man. 歲月不待人。(諺語) 
tide n. 潮汐
12. make the best use of... 充份利用……
例:While in Taiwan, Larry made the best use of his time and studied kung fu.

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