1. were vi.
( be動詞的複數過去式, 使用於if引導的子句中, 形成與現在事實相反的假設語氣)
例:If I were you, I wouldn't do it.
2. millionaire n. 百萬富翁, 大富豪
3. as for + 人,... 至於某人,……
*使用時通常置句首, 後面加逗點再接主要子句。
例:You two go out and have a good time. As for me, I'm going to bed.
(你們兩個出去好好玩。至於我嘛, 我要去睡覺了。)
4. educate vt. 教育
例:Peter is Chinese, but was educated in America.
5. teach + 人 + right from wrong 教某人分辨是非
= teach + 人 + to tell right from wrong
*tell right from wrong  分辨是非
例:That man always gets into trouble because he can't tell right from wrong.
6. future n. & a. 未來 (的), 將來 (的)
例:Young Andrew has a very bright future.
This is where I want to build my future home.
7. come true 成真, 實現
例:His hard work made his dream come true.
8. do one's country a good service 對國家大有貢獻/助益
例:Joe thinks by joining the army he can do his country a good service.

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