1. notice vt. 注意, 留意
notice + that引導的名詞子句   注意/留意……
例:I've noticed that you've been coming to work early these days.
2. warm a. 溫暖的
例:The old lady wore a fur coat to keep warm.
3. to put it simply 簡言之
simply adv. 簡單地
例:To put it simply, I don't like you.
4. scientist n. 科學家
5. earth n. 地球
on earth  世界上
= in the world
例:The earth is part of the solar system.
The whale is the biggest animal on earth.
6. heat n. 熱 (氣)
例:The heat in this room is making me sleepy.
7. escape vi. & vt. 逃出, 逃避
例:The prisoners escaped from prison.
The students lied in order to escape punishment.
8. global warming 全球氣溫上升
global a. 全球的; 全世界的
例:Pollution is a global problem.
9. situation n. 情形, 情況 (常與介詞in並用) 
例:Ed is in a bad financial situation.
10. continue vi. & vt. 繼續
例:Bob continued talking but no one was listening.
11. imagine vt. 想像, 幻想
例:The little boy imagined that he was in Disneyland.
12. pollute vt. 污染
例:People shouldn't pollute the rivers with their garbage.

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