1. man n. 人 (類); 男人 
man之前不置冠詞時, 表『人類』; 若置冠詞時, 則代表『某個人』。
例:Man is mortal.
A man came to see you today.
2. protect vt. 保護 
例:The rich man hired a bodyguard to protect him.
3. guide vt. 引導, 指導
例:The boy guided the old lady to the post office.
4. blind a. 盲的
the blind  盲人
= blind people
the + 形容詞時, 即等於該形容詞加people, 用來泛指這一類全體的人, 如:
the rich = rich people  富人
the poor = poor people  窮人
the homeless = homeless people  無家可歸的人
例:The rich should not look down on the poor.
5. be loyal to... 對……忠實
loyal a. 忠實的, 忠誠的
例:Jack is loyal to his wife.
6. master n. 主人
7. ask for... 要求…… 
例:Dan is too proud to ask for help.
8. pay raise n. 加薪
9. contribution n. 貢獻; 捐助 
make a contribution to + 事物  對……有所貢獻; 捐助……
例:The rich man made a contribution to the school.
10. husband n. 丈夫
11. wife n. 妻子
12. cooking n. 烹飪
例:Many men like cooking.
13. weatherman n. 氣象播報員
14. It's raining cats and dogs. 下傾盆大雨。
= It's raining heavily.
= It's pouring.
*pour vi. 傾注; 下傾盆大雨
It's drizzling.  下毛毛雨。
*drizzle vi. 下毛毛雨
15. The next time + 主詞 + 動詞, 主詞 + 動詞 下一次當……時……
例:The next time I see John, I'll tell him to stop bothering you.
16. lift vt. 抬起, 舉起
例:Alice is not strong enough to lift that desk.
17. leg n.
18. kick vt.
例:The silly boy kicked the ball instead of catching it.
19. bend vi. 彎曲
動詞三態: bend、bent、bent。
bend down  彎腰
例:This steel ruler won't bend.

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