本課介紹『俗話/諺語說 (得好) :……』的用法, "so that..." (以便……) 作連接詞的用法, 以及"keep on + 現在分詞" (繼續……) 的用法。

"Early to bed, early to rise," so goes an old saying.


a. 本句"Early to bed, early to rise."乃諺語"Early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise." (早睡早起使人健康、致富又有智慧) 的縮寫。

原諺語中的"Early to bed"缺乏動詞是不合文法的, 應說"Early to go to bed"以與"early to rise"對稱, 但如此字數多了兩個, 反而不對稱, 為將就字數對稱, 便把go to犧牲了。



b. 表『俗話/諺語說 (得好) :……』有下列用法:

 There is an old saying, "..."

 = As an/the old saying goes, "..."

 = As an/the old saying puts it, "..."

 = "...," as an/the old saying goes.

 = "...," so goes an/the old saying.


:As an old saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."



 Before you quit your job, you'd better think about it; "Look
 before you leap," as the old saying goes.

(你在辭職前最好考慮清楚;俗語說得好:『三思而後行。 』)


 Don't worry about that now. "We'll cross that bridge when
  we come to it," so goes the old saying.

(現在不要擔心那件事。俗話說得好:『船到橋頭自然直。 』)



It's specially designed so that it cannot be switched off with a simple push of a button.

它經過了特殊設計, 因此無法光靠按個鈕就可把它關掉。

上列句中的it乃指前句中的the door, does則代替前句中的動詞opens, 此處用itdoes乃為避免相同詞類的重複之故。

 so that...  如此/以便……

 = in order that... 



a. so that/in order that (如此, 以便) 為表示目的的副詞連接詞, 引導副詞子句, 修飾主要子句, so that/in order that所引導的副詞子句中通常要有助動詞maycanwill


: I came

so that

in order that

I might see Helen.



John quickly finished his homework

so that

in order that

he could

go out to play.



Tell me how to do it

so that

in order that

I will not make the same

mistake again.




b. so that/in order that所引導的副詞子句之主詞若與主要子句的主詞相同時, 則該主要子句可改為"so as to + 原形動詞""in order to + 原形動詞"; 而主詞不同時則不可採用此句法。故上列第一及第二例句亦可改寫成:


: I came

so as to

in order to

see Helen.


John quickly finished his homework

so as to

in order to

go out to play.



If you don't, it'll keep on saying, "Good morning ...good morning..."

如果你沒這樣做, 它就會『早安, 早安……』一直叫個不停。

keep on + 動名詞  繼續 () ……

 = keep + 動名詞

 = go on + 動名詞


: If you keep on gambling, you'll end up a pauper.

   = If you keep gambling, you'll end up a pauper.

   = If you go on gambling, you'll end up a pauper.


    pauper n. 貧民, 窮人


EX english 數位英語學院