1. An inch given, a mile taken. 得寸進尺。
= If we give him an inch, he will take a mile.
例:Lisa: I let my husband go out with his friends and he came home drunk.
Mom: If you give men an inch, they'll take a mile.
2. This is he/she. 我就是。
接電話者正是被找的人時, 若為男的, 即可回答: "This is he./This is he speaking./Speaking.", 若為女的, 即可回答: "This is she./This is she speaking./Speaking.", 均可譯為『我就是』。
例:A: Hello? May I speak with Winnie?
B: This is she.
This is she speaking.
若被找的人不在時, 即可回答: "Sorry, she's not in now. Can/Shall I take a message?" (對不起, 她現在不在, 要不要我留話呢?)
Sandy: Hello? Is Tim there?
Mike: Sorry, he's not in now. Can I take a message?
3. vet n. 獸醫  
= veterinarian
例:You'd better take your dog to see a vet; it doesn't look well.
4. period n. 生理期, 月經   
5. By the way,... 哦, 對了 (順便一提) ,……     
例:By the way, who told you that I was sick?
6. pregnant a. 懷孕的  
例:A pregnant woman gets tired very easily.
7. permanent a. 永久的
temporary a. 短暫的, 暫時的
例:Mr. Wang is a permanent member of the school board.
Joe plans to look for a temporary job before he emigrates to the States.

EX english 數位英語學院