For example, they had me do the laundry, the dishes and the house cleaning.
例如, 他們會叫我洗衣服, 洗碗盤和打掃家裡。
They even got me to work part-time to help with the family expenses.
They would not let me go outside the house for days.
Parents can't force them to do anything.
On the contrary, it seems as if children can get their parents to do anything for them.
相反地, 做孩子的似乎有辦法叫父母為他們做任何事。
上列句中的made、had、got、let、force稱為使役動詞。所謂使役動詞就是一種命令某人從事某件事的動詞, 加了受詞後, 可用原形動詞或不定詞片語 (to + 原形動詞) 作受詞補語。茲分類敘述如下:
a. 叫/令/使……
make/have + 人 + 原形動詞 叫某人做……
get + 人 + to + 原形動詞 叫某人做……
例: Paul's father made him paint the house.
The boss had the secretary type the letter for him.
Dad got me to wash the car for him.
1) make可使用於被動語態中, 但have及get則無被動語態。句型如下:
be made to + 原形動詞 被要求/命令做……
例: 主動語態:
Mom made me do the laundry.
I was made to do the laundry.
I was had to do the laundry. (╳)
I was got to do the laundry. (╳)
2) have及get加受詞後, 其後亦可接過去分詞作受詞補語, 此時的have及get譯成『把……』。句型如下:
have/get + 受詞 + 過去分詞 把……(被)……
例: I had my computer fixed.
When did you get your hair cut?
上列兩句的fixed及cut均為過去分詞, 分別表示『被修理』、『(頭髮) 被理』, 暗示這些動作均是委託別人所做, 而非自己所為。
表『讓……』的動詞只有let一字, 其後亦用原形動詞作受詞補語, 並可使用被動語態 (唯較少使用), 句型如下:
let + 人 + 原形動詞 讓某人……
be let to + 原形動詞 被允許……(少用)
例: 主動語態:
They won't let me play with them.
I am not let to play with them. (罕)
We let Mary join our club.
Mary was let to join our club. (罕)
c. 強迫/要求/慫恿/催促……
此類動詞 + 人 + to + 原形動詞
例: I forced him to recite the lesson.
I asked him to write the letter.
I urged him to work harder.
He compelled me to do it against my will.
He told me to finish the work by ten.
此類動詞變被動語態時, 仍用不定詞片語作補語。
例: I asked him to write the letter.
→He was asked to write the letter.
(他被要求寫這封信。) |