Stop to Smell the Flowers
In the hustle and bustle of modern-day life, people seldom stop to enjoy the beauty of nature . Ask yourself how many times you have listened to the birds sing. And when was the last time you looked at the sparkling stars twinkle in the sky? Time flies and life is short. So don't forget to stop and smell the flowers . ...
在繁忙擾攘的現代生活中,人們鮮少停下來欣賞大自然之美。問問你自己你曾傾聽過幾次鳥兒啁啾,而你上次看天上亮晶晶的星星閃爍又是什麼時候?光陰似箭而人生短暫,所以別忘了停下來聞聞花香 。
In our eagerness to make a living , we often forget about our quality of life. Too often you hear people say, "I'm too busy," for this or that. What a shame ! One day, when they do find time to stop to smell the flowers, it might be too late . ...
在我們迫切謀生的同時,我們往往遺忘了我們生活的品質。你常常會聽到人們因為要做這個或那個的說:『我太忙了。』真是令人遺憾!有一天,當他們真的找出時間停下來聞聞花香時,或許那時已經太遲了 。

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